PVC Pipe vs. Other Materials: Pros and Cons Simplified

In the realm of plumbing, pipes are indeed the silent workhorses. They are responsible for transporting water from one part of our home to another. The water passes through different stages and it is used for different purposes. Be it supplying a constant supply of water to the kitchen or a properly functioning bathroom, pipes do the job everywhere. But choosing the right pipe is very important, from the many options available. This can often be a tough decision, if the right knowledge is not available. You can explore the Skipper Pipes blog to update your knowledge on the different plumbing pipes and their application. In this blog, we have discussed in detail about why PVC Pipes is better than the other materials. Read on to find out more.

All About PVC Pipes

When it comes to residential projects, PVC Pipes are most preferred by the customers. There are many reasons behind this selection, they are mentioned below.

Durability: PVC Pipes have great wonderful resistance to rust and corrosion and that’s why they last for a long time. Be it interior or underground, they work perfectly year after year.

Cost-effective: For any plumbing project, the cost effectiveness of a product becomes a very important factor. When compared to metallic alternative products, PVC Pipes is way more cost-effective.

Lightweight: The installation process in case of PVC Pipes is quite easy, due to their low weight. This reduces the work fees drastically.

Smooth Operator: PVC Pipes have smooth indoors and a great amount of friction is reduced as a result of this. The water glide becomes more efficient and quieter operation is ensured.

Easy Installation: Connecting and cutting PVC Pipes is not difficult at all and overall it is a very smooth process. This is why DIY lovers, also love it.


Heat Sensitivity: PVC Pipes can’t tolerate high temperatures and this is why they are not ideal for hot water.

Brittle: There is no doubt in the fact that PVC Pipes are robust, but at extremely low temperatures, they show brittle behavior.

Environmental Impact: The production of these pipes cause damage to the environment and this is actually a point to consider, while selecting them.

Other Materials available in the Market:

Let’s compare PVC Pipes with the other materials available in the market. This will help you analyze better and make informed choices during the selection process.


Pros: Copper is known for its durability and high temperature tolerance. It is also resistant to micro organisms.
Cons: The main drawback of copper is its rate. Also, the material is quite heavy and not easy to install.

Galvanized Steel:

Pros: Much like copper, Galvanized Steel offers great durability and heat resistance.
Cons: But there are some disadvantages too; steel pipes are more prone to corrosion and rust. This can create a problem in the long run. They are heavy and specialized tools are required for cutting and threading.

PEX (Cross-associated Polyethylene):

Pros: PEX exhibits excellent bending ability and for this they can be easily used it tight areas, as the navigation is easy. Be it freezing or corrosion, PEX is not affected by them both.
Cons: In every PEX connection, unique expertise is needed along with specialized equipments. PEX is generally durable, but when exposed to direct sunlight, they can be harmed by UV rays.

How to Make the Right Choice when Selecting Plumbing Pipes?

Choosing the best pipe really depends on what specific purpose it will be used for. But if you choose a brand like Skipper Pipes, you will get a diverse range of options with unmatched quality. Be it PEX or Galvanized Steel Pipes, every item has its specific use. While PEX is used for tight regions, copper is used for its sturdiness. But overall, PVC Pipes is preferred more for its range of advantages.


PVC Pipes are affordable, easy to use and durable. For this reason, they find their use in many plumbing applications. However, other materials also have their advantages and can be used for various purposes. The strengths and weaknesses have to be understood properly before choosing a material for a plumbing project.


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