Plumbers of India – Sanjoy Saha

Sanjoy Saha_Plumbers of India

A self-made man

A short tale of Sanjoy Saha, the plumber from Dankuni, West Bengal

‘There were days we didn’t have 3 square meals.’

Sanjoy Saha is a very amiable and happy 35 year old father of a beautiful 8 year old daughter. He is a plumber. Lives in his native place and is enjoying the fruits of his labour. Got his bicycle, his plumbing gears and tools. And plans of having a motorbike someday soon.

It wasn’t so rosy, as you can imagine.

Since the time he could remember life was about the next meal. His father was a daily wage worker and a cycle-van driver. There were days when there was work, and then there were none. And so was the scenario with meals.

Sanjoy was a good student and his government school teachers had high hopes for him. He was good at sports too.

He was in class 9 when another cruel stroke of fate hit their small family. His father was detected with Peptic Ulcer, reducing his ability to work and earn even further.

The school was no longer possible for young Sanjoy. From block printing in a local press to whatever he could find for just about Rs.50 per day. His second innings of life started thus.

Surviving extreme odds every day, his family managed to marry off Sanjoy’s sister, though at the price of a heavy burden of debt.

In the next 4-5 years, finding plumbing as a profession, hard labour and love for family gave Sanjoy a life worth living.  He got married and had his daughter. But lost his father to cancer.

Now, with his mother, wife and an eight year old daughter on his side, Sanjoy has crossed the river of struggle and looking up. With the Skipper Saathi program, he has also been able to help his family to live better.

We wish you great heights Sanjoy, in your endeavour to live well and provide for your family.


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